A. Introduction
About Community Living Central York
Community Living Central York (“CLCY”, also “we”, “our” or “us”) is a registered charity that works to support intellectually disabled individuals within the defined community.
Our Commitment
At Community Living Central York (CLCY), we respect your privacy. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our employees, volunteers, website visitors, donors and other stakeholders (also “you” or “your”). We are accountable and transparent in how we treat your Personal Information. CLCY does not sell, rent or trade its mailing lists or other Personal Information.
The proper safeguarding of all personal, business and financial information acquired in the course of CLCY’s day-to-day activities is a cornerstone of this commitment.
In addition, CLCY adheres to the Canadian Standards Association’s model for the protection of Personal Information – Canada’s standard for fair information practice – to ensure that all information is properly acquired, used only for the purposes for which it was collected, and disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer needed. CLCY is committed to meeting the privacy standards established by the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and internationally recognized privacy principles listed below.
CLCY complies with the requirements of Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (“CASL”), as amended from time to time at all times, including when: sending emails or texts from an CLCY account, email address or domain name, obtaining consent from recipients to send emails or texts, managing and responding to requests to unsubscribe and documenting and retaining records of consent. CLCY does not send commercial electronic messages (“CEMs”) to any person unless it has express or implied consent from the recipient, the CEM includes identification and contact information for the sender and the CEM has an unsubscribe mechanism. To ensure compliance with CASL, CLCY has written policies and procedures, updates its volunteers and staff regarding CASL requirements and keeps records of consents and requests to unsubscribe. Complaints regarding the sending of CEMs and requests to unsubscribe from CEMs should be directed to us at:
Community Living Central York
575 Penrose St.
Newmarket, ON L3Y 5L5
T: (905) 898-3000
B. Privacy Statement
CLCY is committed to protecting the privacy of all information you share with us. The information collected is used to process donations, keep you informed about CLCY, and to ask for support of our mission.
- We do not rent or sell our donor lists.
- Periodic mailings and e-mails, direct mail appeals, upcoming events, annual reports, etc may be sent to you when you provide us with your mailing address or your e-mail address. If you do not wish to receive all or some of these mailings, please let us know by contacting us directly.
- If you have provided your telephone number, you may receive telephone contact from us. If you do not wish to have phone contact, please let us know.
- CLCY collects information about visits to our website for statistical analysis. The personal information you provide when making an on-line donation or request is not recorded in this tracking system nor will your personal information be linked to the tracking data. Information collected will be used to improve the content of our website and is not shared to outside organizations or personnel. CLCY’s web page contains forms that allow visitors to request information, make donations. The personal and credit card information provided on these order forms is used only to fulfill these requests or to process these donations or orders for products. On-line donations to CLCY are processed through a third party. The security and privacy policies of this third party are available by clicking on the
- We also display donor names on our Donor Wall to demonstrate our appreciation. Should you wish to remain anonymous please contact us directly.
We offer our donors several privacy options, including the option to limit or opt-out of future contact. To discuss these options or to change or modify any personal information that you have previously provided to CLCY, please contact us directly at 905-898-3000.
If you have questions, concerns or complaints relating to your privacy or our privacy policy, please contact us directly.
C. Privacy Standards and Principles
CLCY is committed to meeting the privacy standards established by the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and internationally recognized privacy principles listed below.
1) Accountability
- CLCY is responsible for maintaining and protecting individual’s personal, business and financial information under its control.
- Personal Information includes name, address and credit card information.
- CLCY has appointed a Chief Privacy Officer responsible for ensuring the our compliance with the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and these Privacy Principles.
- Only authorized employees and volunteers have access to your information.
2) Identifying Purposes
- CLCY will identify the purposes for which personal information is collected, before or at the time of collection.
- CLCY collects information to process donations, keep you informed about CLCY, and to ask for support of our mission.
3) Consent for Collection
- The knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use or
disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate. - CLCY will not collect, use or disclose any personal information beyond that required to generate a gift and issue a charitable tax receipt in accordance with Canada Custom and Revenue Agency.
- An individual may withdraw consent at any time. Individuals may contact us directly for more information regarding implications of withdrawing consent.
- CLCY will comply with requests immediately.
4) Limiting Collection
- The collection of personal information by CLCY will be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified. CLCY will collect information by fair and lawful means only.
- CLCY will gather as much personal information as possible directly from the individual, but may from time to time collect information from other public sources.
5) Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information
- Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the individual or as authorized by law.
- CLCY will retain personal information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
6) Accuracy
- Personal information will be as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the identified purposes for which it is to be used.
7) Safeguards
- Personal information is protected by security safeguards appropriate to the nature and sensitivity of the information.
- Each employee and volunteer who deals with personal information is required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to being granted access to information.
- Security safeguards are in place to protect personal information from theft as well as unauthorized access through such features as database passwords, locked filing cabinets, restricted access to offices and database.
8) Openness
- CLCY will make readily available to individuals specific information about its policies and practices relating to personal information.
9) Individual Access
- CLCY shall inform an individual of the existence, use and disclosure of their personal information upon request and shall give the individual access to that information.
- An individual shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and may request to have it amended.
10) Challenging Compliance
- CLSY shall maintain procedures for addressing and responding to all inquiries or complaints about CLCY’s handling of personal information.
- Any individual will be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above principles to the Chief Privacy Officer.
- If a complaint is justified, appropriate measures will be taken and the individual will be informed of the outcome.
D. Policy Violations
Any staff or volunteers who fail to comply with the policy of CLCY will be subject to disciplinary actions, which may include termination. Staff and volunteers will not access information that is not required by them to perform their job; misuse information or disclose without proper authorization; disclosing passwords or other security features to unauthorized supervisors.
E. How we protect your information
We protect your information in these ways:
- We ask your permission before we collect, use, or show you or your family’s information to anyone for any purpose other than our main activities.
- We make sure that your information stays private. Only the people who need to see your personal records are allowed to look at them. We also check regularly to make sure that no one, other than those who need to, has looked at your information.
- We take steps to make sure no one steals or loses your information. We also work to make sure no one copies, changes, uses, shares or discards your information unless it’s allowed.
- We keep your information correct and up-to-date. You can see the information we collect about you or your family.
- We will look into any concerns you may have about how we keep your information private.
- We have someone in charge of looking after the privacy of information. That person can give you more information about how CLCY protects your privacy.
F. Confidentiality Warning
Absent the use of encryption, the Internet is not a secure medium and privacy cannot be ensured. Internet e-mail is vulnerable to interception and forging. CLCY will not be responsible for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of the transmission of confidential information that you make to CLCY through the Internet, or that you expressly or implicitly authorize CLCY to make.
G. Changes to Privacy Policy
We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, such as in response to developments and changes in privacy law. When we post changes to this Privacy Policy on our Website, we will change the “last updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. If possible, we will post notices of significant changes before they take place. Your continued use of this Website after any changes are made signifies your agreement with the terms of the revised Privacy Policy.